
Valencia fire festival las Fallas


Just imagine - they have been preparing for this festival for a whole year, investing thousands of euros in creating huge figures to burn them in one day!

Imagine the splendor of outfits that cost much more than the latest models of the most famous fashion designers!

Imagine sounds so loud that windows burst from them! But this noise is like divine music for the locals. All these incredible events take place in the city of Valencia, the third largest city in Spain after Madrid and Barcelona. During the amazing and unique Las Fallas Festival, everything is possible!

The Fire Festival takes place in March every year and lasts for five days. The fun does not subside for a minute. The burning of huge Fallas figures means the onset of the vernal equinox, they are the main feature of the holiday and are made of combustible materials – foam, wood and papier mache. Some Fallas are higher than three-storey houses. It takes professional artists a year to make them, and installation takes several days of continuous work.

The tradition is associated with purification and renewal with the help of fire, so the festivities are accompanied by a large-scale parade of pyrotechnics. The explosions do not subside for several days and nights, forcing any evil spirits hiding in the city to run away! In the final, giant papier-mache dolls are set on fire all over the city at the same time, personifying human vices, negative social phenomena or catastrophes.


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